PRODO Group - one of the largest and dynamically developing agro industrial holding of federal scope. The main fields are: poultry, pork and meat processing production. At the moment the enterprise assortment is over than 2 300 items.
PRODO business includes a full manufacturing cycle starting from raw materials production to sales of finished products. Неad office ( PRODO Management) is located in Moscow. The group consits of enterprises located in Central, Southern, Sebirian and Urals federal districs of Russia.
The largets PRODO brands - "Klinskiy", " Omskiy bekon", "Troekurovo", "Rokoko", "UMKA", "CHUKCHUM", "Tsarskaya ohota", "Yasnaya gorka" etc. Today the group includes companies with total amount over 17 thousand employees across Russia.