uided by Pavel Kartsev, there has been launched the project of voluntary certification of professional appraisers. The first stage of the project was ‘Testing of appraisers’ website, providing assistance in passing the Unified Qualifying Exam which has become obligatory for appraisers aiming at becoming a member of expert boards of self-regulatory organizations in accordance with the new legislation. Preparation for test is carried out by the way of passing the trial test, the questions of which correspond to the questions approved by the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade, and their selection from database is conducted due to established algorithm. Providing a registration through the portal and subscription payment, users are able to pass test several times and receive information concerning failing answers with the opportunity to indicate the correct variations and the information source about them. The testing is fee-based, though the fee is quite reasonable. The functionality is implemented through the system of management of Joomla’s websites by the experts of the company DXlab.
Currently the portal provides the opportunity to carry out the individual registration, keeps the contact information of yourself or your qualification data and indicates the direction of specialization in valuation activities. In case of demand of current functionality and users request to take part in the development project in further it is possible to apply additional methods to verify the compliance of appraiser qualification to its specialization and specified level. We strongly believe that thanks to the objective and unified system of qualification assessment and the opportunity for appraisers to inform consumers about their specializations, appraisers can be more competitive and find their clients, while the clients can choose the right specialist to tackle their issues.
We invite you to get acquainted with our project directly: