Valuation of the "Luzhaikino" trademark

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Valuation of the "Luzhaikino" trademark
25 July 2022

In 2021, our company valued the trademark group "Luzhaikino" of a regional dairy company "MilkOm".

In the Omsk region market, Luzhaikino is a strong regional brand, whose dairy products take the third place in the market after large federal brands (Wimm–Bill-Danna). At the same time, according to consumers, Luzhaikino products are the leaders in quality. In 2020, the plant processed about 70 tons of dairy raw materials per day, producing pasteurised and ultra-pasteurised milk, kefir, yogurt, fermented baked milk, sour cream, butter and cottage cheese.

The valuation of trademarks was required for their transfer within the holding companies.

As part of the valuation, we conducted an inspection of the plant. Our specialists went to the production site, where they examined the property of the enterprise and got acquainted with the production technology. We studied the financial statements of the company, information on the volume of production and the range of products. We also looked at the display of dairy products in Omsk retail chains and conducted a detailed analysis of competitors' activities, including their financial performance and production volumes for similar products.

Based on such a comprehensive analysis, we valued the trademark using a income approach, building a reasonable forecast of the company's activities and output. The contribution of the trademark to the cost of products and the results of the company's activities was determined. The submitted report allowed the client to achieve the goals for which the valuation was carried out.

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